Pulpit Truth
"And will not God bring about justice for His chosen ones, who cry out to Him night and day?" Luke 18:7The primary focus in this parable is not the hatefulness of the unjust judge, but rather the faithfulness of the widow who constantly approached him concerning a legal matter. In no way was Christ implying that our Heavenly Father is uncaring, unloving, or unjust. He was stressing that on the journey of life, we may find ourselves weeping and praying when Heaven seems silent. That is not the time to quit however, that is the time to remain persistent in bringing our petitions to the throne of grace. Please consider this truth as you read the following pertaining to the church, revival, and prayer... "From all over the world, the complaint is heard that the church of Jesus Christ is under the ungodly influence of cultural change, and is therefore losing her power. There is little evidence of God's presence in the conversion of sinners, nor the rise of holiness among His own people. The great majority of Christians ignore God's call to take a part in the extension of His kingdom, and they do not experience the power of the Holy Spirit working through their lives. Amid all the discussions as to what can be done to reclaim our wayward young people, and to see a surge of hunger among all congregants for the word of God, we hear little of the necessity of experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit in the ministry and membership of the church. I rarely hear that it is because of a lack of prayer that the work of the Spirit is limited. If ever there was time when God's elect should cry out to Him day and night, it is now!" Amen? Powerful words indeed, written by one of my favorite pastors, Andrew Murray of South Africa, more than 120 years ago. What? Yes, friend, truth from a man of God who was deeply disturbed by what he saw and heard in the late 1800's. If he were alive today, I wonder what he might say to us? LET'S PRAY!!
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Charles SmithHas agreed to allow Job2ten to pass along some of his words of wisdom. Be sure to go visit his blog to get to see all his content. Archives
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