Pulpit Truth
"You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore!" |
Whenever you read a passage of scripture like this one, you understand why many scholars over the years have called David the "sweet Psalmist of Israel." This brief Psalm is filled with marvelous truth that causes us to see David as a great man of faith as he worships the Lord in the beauty of holiness. Yet I clearly remember learning years ago that everything about this man was not always wonderful and cheery. Some of the Psalms that God had David to pen are filled with images of mental confusion, emotional fear, relational conflicts, spiritual turmoil, and personal hopelessness. |
So how could someone of great faith like David experience such varied struggles in his life? Because David is like Elijah, and they are both like us. James 5:17 says "Elijah was a man with a nature like ours." That is why you can find this warrior of faith facing the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel in mighty power, and then find him running, pouting, and hoping to die after being threatened by an ungodly queen. All of us will face mountains that intimidate us, circumstances that disturb us, and people that upset us. But in spite of all this, the Bible still says that in God's presence is fullness of joy!

I must admit, there are times when I only see the ugliness of clouds on dreary days, and not the uniqueness of the clouds. It is during these experiences that I am reminded that our loving Heavenly Father sends us both sunshine and rain. And that rain must originate in those ugly, no, no, excuse me, those unique clouds. I have often thought upon Nissan Motor's successful marketing slogan years ago that said: "Life is a Journey; Enjoy the Ride!" I wish that I could say that I have always enjoyed the ride, but sometimes I just endured it. Can you relate to that confession?
No matter what you and I might be facing, we don't face it alone. God has promised to never leave us nor forsake us. He shows us the path of life; In His presence is fullness of joy; And at His right hand are pleasures forevermore! Each day that He gives us is a gift on the journey of life. LET'S ENJOY THE RIDE!
"This is a rebellious people...Children who will not hear the law of the
Who say to the prophets, “Do not prophesy to us right things;
Speak to us smooth things!"
~Isaiah 30:9-10
Isaiah, like most of the prophets of God, had the unpleasant task of communicating biblical truth to a hard-hearted and stubborn audience. These men and women of Jewish heritage were supposed to be abiding in and enjoying the covenant relationship that God had established with Abraham. But instead of walking in the light that He had so graciously given to them, they remained in the comfort of spiritual darkness. In other words, they loved sin more than they loved truth. Or as Jesus would say, "They loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil."
Isaiah's generation would have loved the seeker-sensitive, and user-friendly approach to ministry that is so prominent in some areas today. He said that his audiences were rebellious children who had no desire for the truth. They requested that he and the other prophets would refrain from communicating what was right, for they only desired to hear words that were smooth. Such a request is a clear admission of carnality! Instead of messages that would produce the needed pain of spiritual and personal conviction, which leads to spiritual and personal transformation, they wanted sermons filled with smooth words. These folks were guilty of wanting sermons from the candy aisle, not the meat department! Smooth words, like candy, would be appealing, palatable, and easy to swallow. But no one grows physically strong and personally healthy on a diet of Tootsie Rolls, Jelly Beans, and Lifesavers! I'm sorry if this is offensive, but neither will anyone grow spiritually strong and emotionally healthy on a diet of easy, smooth words from the prominent false teachers of today.
A few years ago, someone asked me if I was familiar with the growing ministry of a mega-church pastor from Houston, Texas. When I replied that I was, they asked what I thought of his messages. "Well," I said, "I would love to be able to bottle those sermons." When they asked why, I replied: "Because I could label those bottles with his smiling face, put them in every grocery store's syrup section, and make millions! His sermons are so sugary and sweet, they would be much better for everyone if they were served over hot pancakes and French toast!"

One of my spiritual heroes is George Whitefield, the evangelist who helped lead what historians now call the Great Awakening. Whitefield was banned from the pulpits of the cold, stiff, formal churches of England, as well as those in the developing colonies of America. As a result, he carried his messages of Jesus Christ to the open fields. Thousands would gather to hear this man of God preach His word without the aid of any kind of sound enhancement. The Spirit of God convicted the audiences so heavily, that they would be moved to tears, falling onto the ground and crying out for the mercy and grace of God to save them. Often when preaching, Whitefield would challenge his listeners with the comparison of the holiness of God with the sinfulness of man. Lifting his voice like a trumpet, he would cry out: "We are all monsters of iniquity! And the only solution to our hideous condition is the perfect blood of the crucified Son of God!"
Monsters of iniquity? Are you kidding me? And people would listen to that kind of preaching? Yes, and not only did they listen, but their hearts were bruised, their emotions were inflamed, their minds were tormented, their spirits were awakened, their souls were saved, and their lives were transformed!
Oh how we need a revival in the pulpits of our land! Then, and only then, will we see a pastor's desire for popularity decrease, and his desire for purity and power increase. Then, and only then, will we see a pastor's greatest concern be upon teaching the precepts of God, and not the demands of unholy people. Then, and only then, can we see pastors preach the strong words of eternal life, and not the smooth words of eternal death.
Oh how we need a revival in the pulpits of our land! Then, and only then, will we see a pastor's desire for popularity decrease, and his desire for purity and power increase. Then, and only then, will we see a pastor's greatest concern be upon teaching the precepts of God, and not the demands of unholy people. Then, and only then, can we see pastors preach the strong words of eternal life, and not the smooth words of eternal death.
Charles Smith
Has agreed to allow Job2ten to pass along some of his words of wisdom. Be sure to go visit his blog to get to see all his content.
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